baby/puppy love

So today we shoveled out the driveway in the back...there must have been 2-3 feet of snow back there..ugh. I'll have to remember this time of year in July/August when we have the 101 degree 100% humidity days!!

Still trying to figure out what is next. most tech jobs I've looked at need you to lift up to 50 lbs. I can't do that anymore...ugh ugh ugh...

Well am working on the long awaited etsy store. stuff won't sell before it's posted anymore...there is no one around to buy it off the needles!

Am almost done with the shawl I started. That yarn to the left is what I am using. The color is really nice and it is warm. I've sorted out my paypal account. finished the baby bottle covers..those turned out really cute.

Tomorrow is another day. Let's see what I can finish and post.


if anyone has any ideas on next steps am all ears!


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