How did I accomplish this twilly miracle...well that is were the stick with loops came in...each slot has two warp ends and each hole has one warp end.
Every other extra slot warp is picked up with the pick up stick. The loopy string - official name is leashes - is pulled off of the dowel and the placed in position by pulling a loop between each warp end and put back on the dowel. The setup shown here is for plain weave on either end the center bit is twill.
when I want to weave the twill part I bring the leashes forward and pull up
It was great to learn what the loopy stick was for!
I've tons of daffodils coming up...some hyacinths are blooming and the lilac will have a lot of blooms this year.
I have nothing on the needles right not sure what to make next. I am going to try a sweater next. A simple one.
Enjoy the great weather! Rumour has it that it will be in the 70s tomorrow!!
Hugs to all!
Can't wait for the warmer temps. I'm sooooo over winter.
Temps in the 70's I'm so glad I can relate to that it's been gorgous, hope it's here to stay ;)