I've got a song stuck in my head! Thank goodness it is a good song. Well it's a mahvelous night for a Moondance.....am getting some inspiration from that piece.
Am working away on projects, and at work. Trying to figure out how to quit my day job. I am certain there is a way. So so close...
Hello! It was a wacky crazy horrific week at work! There wasn't too much time to work on projects. I am working on one new baby blanket and of course my Weaving II project. Here is the inspiration picture along with the work in progress. A sunny spot full of the yarn I am using. Light blues through black with a tiny touch of yellow as an accent color. The warp is a light grey tencel. The weft is a mix of yarns. I have yarn from Habu there as well. Thank you for the nice comments on Hubby's garden. It has come a long way since we moved in. Here is a close up of the Dogwood flowers on the west side of the house. Enjoy the great weather! Hugs, Marie
Here is a picture of Princess S at her 1st Birthday. The lovely auntie holding her is my sister the Artist. The Artist and I have a lot in common. We both love museums, traveling, and exploring the city. We are peas in the pod. My other sisters are terrific as is my brother, Dad to Princess S. We are a pretty tight group. My mom taught me how to crochet when I was a tiny thing...I think she taught me so I would stay out of her hair for a while...poor mom! Mom was a master at creating Halloween costumes out of ordinary things. No plastic masks for us. I remember being a gypsy, a country singer, a 50s style girl and my favorite a flamenco dancer. In the summer we spent a lot of time in the library and the zoo. We spent so much time at the Bklyn. Botanical Gardens we knew the security guards by name. The Brooklyn Museum was our home away from home. So many great memories. With that Happy Mother's day to all of you out there. Spend time with your children and give them...
You all were right! The fuzzy funky picture was of the Empire State Building from the West side of the city, around 28th street and 9th Avenue. Look at Chocolate!! I buckled down and worked on this all weekend..well I did stop to take a ride with Mister Hubby out to Ikea to see if we could find something to keep my linen in. No luck! It was very crowded and full of screaming kids. Poor kiddies! I did find this cool basket to keep my current work in process in. I normally use a small shopping bag, but the yarn would tangle. This is much nicer. I also reorganized my craft corner. My books and yarn were getting out of control! Lola's room is finished! A little house I made. It didn't come out too great..the next one will be better. This is the very first embroidery I made and kept for myself when I was about 13. I always gave away everything I made to my aunts and stuff. My mom taught me to sew when I was really little. Whenever someone would give me cast off clothing I would...