Habu anyone?
I am so happy to be back on-line!
Well to start I had a fun time at Habu...a new shipment of yarn arrived while I was there. Talk about a kid in a candy shop!

I picked up two kits the fringe tape choker and a kid mohair cape. Fiddle head fern yarn, cashmere that I can use as a warp..it was coated in water soluble vinyl coating. more mohair to mix with some silk for a lighter than air shawl.

Caaaaaashmere for a super webby weaving

this is fiddlehead cotton silk

and this is the choker. It works up super quick! Lovely brown mohair that caught my eye I don't know what that will be. Does anyone have any ideas?
Well to start I had a fun time at Habu...a new shipment of yarn arrived while I was there. Talk about a kid in a candy shop!
I picked up two kits the fringe tape choker and a kid mohair cape. Fiddle head fern yarn, cashmere that I can use as a warp..it was coated in water soluble vinyl coating. more mohair to mix with some silk for a lighter than air shawl.
Caaaaaashmere for a super webby weaving
this is fiddlehead cotton silk
and this is the choker. It works up super quick! Lovely brown mohair that caught my eye I don't know what that will be. Does anyone have any ideas?
I started another baby blanket with the ladies at work! There are many babies expected.
Am super super busy at work....there is too much going on. I need more hours in the day! I am really looking forward to a long weekend.
Well hugs to you all!
I really have absolutely no idea what I am going to do with the fiddlehead. I actually though about picking up the rammie as a warp yarn since they sale one that is the same colour of the taupe and weaving a scarf out of it. The other though was to knit a net like lace scarf with it. Though I worry about how fragile the yarn would be if it is knitted.
What lovely treasures you just ordered.