Learning bad habits!
Yep...I saw Fluffa's knitting waving in the breeze and I've seen Fluffa knitting in the car and I had to do it too!! Ok so it isn't knitting it's crochetting. Do you like the yarn?? I had it special dyed by the lovely Margaret over at Inspirations Yarn. Check out her website the link is in the side bar there...go visit! I love this yarn it is so bright! Hubby and I just got a new car so we thought we'd take a road trip up to Milford, PA. So so pretty.
Here is Hubby looking over the falls.

Here is a pic of me up stream of the falls. It was so quiet and peaceful there. Nice and cool too under those pine trees.

Hugs to all!
I've always wanted to go into this shop. It is off the road and there is tons to look at. It is actually not a yarn store it is an embroidery type shop, but she had tons of old books! I score a few good ones there.
We went into Milford and there was a small craft fair (YEA!!) in the middle of town... I bought a beautful wooden vase made out of purple wood and maple. Here are a few of the offerings. There was also a table set up by some teacher's that went to Vietnam and a few other places in that area. They brought back a lot of pictures and woven shawls. I got a shawl...will photograph that outside tomorrow. It is made of Vietnamese silk. so beautiful! I am a sucker for handmade things!
Then we went into Child's state park. I love the waterfalls there. We use to bring the kids there all of the time when they were little. My son Chef would catch newts and salamanders. My daughter loved sitting in the stream. I miss those days when they were little.
Here is Hubby looking over the falls.
Here is a pic of me up stream of the falls. It was so quiet and peaceful there. Nice and cool too under those pine trees.
Hugs to all!
Get outside and enjoy the beauty!