Hot child in the city...running wild and looking pretty?

Boy was it hot outside!

I finished my lovely Habu yarny thing...

It came out pretty good I think..just large enough for my'll look cool in the fall with a brown turtle-necked dress.

Well on to my next project! I really need to get a move on the weaving project. Hubby and I collected some interesting bits of nature to mount one of the pieces on...No hints! You'll have to be patient!

Keep cool!




Anonymous said…
Thank you for your support, Marie. I wanted o be Japanese when I was a litle kid too!!! Instead, I was born in Australia from Greek parents. :)
Diane said…
Hummm interesting clue and patients isn't my strong point. lol

The wrap looks great.
Artsie said…
What the heck could it be??? My sis is MIA... she isn't on the IM or answering her mobile.... Grrrrr...
This is absolutely fabulous looking!

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