First Ever Bag
I finally used my sewing machine! I joined Woof Nanny's purse challenge It is not a pretty bag...actually it is kinda well sucky!! I know I'll use it when I go to the park for my water and any small knitting or crochet project. My next one will be better!! I didn't use a pattern..that was part of the problem! I used Tea Towels! That was the challenge. I should have used the heavier weight towel for the bottom half of the body and the lighter weight for the handles.
I do like the colors very much. I picked up a couple of tote bag patterns from JoAnn's they have McCalls patterns for $1.00 can't beat that!
We worked on the yard today. The irises needed to be divided in the worse way. I finished cleaning up the basement from last weekend flood. My yarn escaped damage!! I only lost a small bag of yarn that was going to be used for the Project Linus blankets. No biggie I have more yarn that I can make into blankets.
Here is my little Tomtar...isn't he cute?
Well we are taking a ride out for our great niece's 2nd birthday! Princess D...I'll take pictures of her and little Cannoli!
Enjoy the sun!