Muy quiet en el Ranchito!

I started my Weaving II class yesterday. It was good...I think it is going to be a difficult class for me. eek! It is being held in Williamsburg, Brooklyn...a very artistic type up and coming neighborhood. For many years it wasn't considered safe. There are many great boutiques there offering one of a kind products. Well worth a look!

Right now my loom is in the teacher's Brooklyn studio. It is partially strung up...I know that isn't the right me out weavers!! The heddle is threaded and the rest of the warp is hanging there!!

Next Saturday we finish with the tensioning and winding of the yarn. We'll start weaving then, I guess. I'll have pictures next week.

My fluffy shawl is almost ready for an edging. I am really liking how it is turning out. Next I am going to try a cute sweater I saw.

Enjoy the beautiful weather!


Beth said…
pictures please. I loved your last weaving experiment.
Amanda said…
Good luck with your weaving class!!! I can't wait to see pictures of everything you are working on.

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