You all were right! The fuzzy funky picture was of the Empire State Building from the West side of the city, around 28th street and 9th Avenue.
Look at Chocolate!!
I buckled down and worked on this all weekend..well I did stop to take a ride with Mister Hubby out to Ikea to see if we could find something to keep my linen in. No luck! It was very crowded and full of screaming kids. Poor kiddies!
I did find this cool basket to keep my current work in process in. I normally use a small shopping bag, but the yarn would tangle. This is much nicer.

I also reorganized my craft corner. My books and yarn were getting out of control!

Lola's room is finished!
A little house I made. It didn't come out too great..the next one will be better.
This is the very first embroidery I made and kept for myself when I was about 13. I always gave away everything I made to my aunts and stuff.
My mom taught me to sew when I was really little. Whenever someone would give me cast off clothing I would re-work it. I'd take it apart and make it into a skirt or dress. Jeans were turned into pocketbooks or skirts with quilting and/or embroidery to embellish it and matching vests or jackets. I wasn't allowed to touch my mom's singer sewing machine. So all my costumes were hand sewn. I loved making stuff and giving it away. Once my daughter was born I made all of her dresses and pjs. I love that my mom taught me that skill. It is probably the only thing I can do without stressing over it. It is what it is!
Here is a picture of my Lola Bird...keep in mind that she is not allowed on the couch!!
Demonio!! as my grandma would say!!
This is a picture of one of my favorite pictures. Mister Hubby and I bought it in 1981 from a little gallery in Bay Ridge. This is one of three. I wish I knew something about the artist. The only thing the gallery owner knew was that they came from Switzerland.

Well hugs to all! Enjoy the rest of the evening. Mister Hubby is making his world famous chicken...mmmm it smells so good in here!
Look at Chocolate!!
I did find this cool basket to keep my current work in process in. I normally use a small shopping bag, but the yarn would tangle. This is much nicer.
I also reorganized my craft corner. My books and yarn were getting out of control!
Lola's room is finished!
This is the very first embroidery I made and kept for myself when I was about 13. I always gave away everything I made to my aunts and stuff.
Here is a picture of my Lola Bird...keep in mind that she is not allowed on the couch!!
This is a picture of one of my favorite pictures. Mister Hubby and I bought it in 1981 from a little gallery in Bay Ridge. This is one of three. I wish I knew something about the artist. The only thing the gallery owner knew was that they came from Switzerland.
Well hugs to all! Enjoy the rest of the evening. Mister Hubby is making his world famous chicken...mmmm it smells so good in here!
I love it...
I like those cubes you have your yarn in. Is it a design that you can stack as high or wide as you want?
Hope you are having a good evening!