Off the hook...

Nah!!! Off the loom Babeeeee!
Here is my first piece! yippeee! It is way too long to use as a scarf so it will be used as a table runner. We have to name our piece for the class show at Habu. I am naming mine Teacher's Pet...cause I am such a brown-noser!
Speaking of is my special little helper...
Yep...Lola is great with fringes! She is totally fascinated. I am looking forward to starting my next piece. I love the way the colors mix with each other. A simple twist changes the look of the yarn...Love it! I can not wait to see what my classmates have made...The show isn't until Dec. I have time to finish the fringe. I am braiding and knotting it at different lengths. That should look pretty funky.
Here is a picture of my son the Chef and my daughter the rebellious one..aren't they adorable!
Have a great day!