
It was coooold here in NY! Whatever happened to warm October days? The colors are beautiful. The light is different this time of year. Everything is bathed in golden warm tones. Old buildings that I walk by every day look different more special. I've got to bring my camera in tomorrow! If it is going to be another gorgeous day I have to get some pictures.
We are all ok. My daughter was in a motor bike accident, but she is ok. Nice cut on her knee, road rash, no broken bones. Thank goodness. I thought my heart was going to leap out of my mouth when she called. Words I never want to hear again. My son in Boston should be getting his cast off this week. He broke his wrist practicing martial arts. He heals very quickly so he should be back to cheffing soon. The kid can cook!! yum yum! So kids are healing. Hubby and I are well. We are looking forward to quiet time. (YEA RIGHT!)
I, as usual, am looking forward to my weaving class on Wednesday. I start my last project. I am taking pictures (but am toooooo lazy to go down the stairs to get the camera) I will post them to show the steps.
I talked my sister, the Artiste, to have Thanksgiving this year. I'll help with the veggies. It'll be great to have Sansgibbing (as my Mom says!) at her house. yipeeeee...pumpkin pie...yummy! I don't like turkey I like the stuff you make to go with. What's your favorite dish? I like the butternut squash casserole I make....sooooo good!
Good night!
P.S. Jeffrey won??!! Wazzup with that? blah
At my house daughter 2 thought Laura would win, son bet on Uli and I said Jeffrey. What can I say; he grew on me. LOL.
Now we're on to Top Chef.