Yarn, Yarn everywhere and not a project started!

I've tons of yarn people...tons of ideas, but no idea where to begin! I am suffering from Fiber Block...ewww that sounds really horrible!! hahaha! Every once in a while I can't decide what to start. I am looking around blog world for inspiration. So many talented bloggers out there. How do you all do it? Work, family and still you create.
I think it is work related stress...that's all I am saying about that.
I have to get myself on track there are babies coming and birthdays...xmas!! I've got to get a move on.
well at least the garden is enjoying my extra weeding and tending. Maybe this blockage is a good thing.
Well, since there is no crafty stuff to show you, I will post a picture of my Mom. It was her birthday this past weekend.
Happy Birthday to my Mom!!! Love you!

Take care!