Thoughts of family

Here is a picture of Princess S at her 1st Birthday. The lovely auntie holding her is my sister the Artist. The Artist and I have a lot in common. We both love museums, traveling, and exploring the city. We are peas in the pod. My other sisters are terrific as is my brother, Dad to Princess S. We are a pretty tight group. My mom taught me how to crochet when I was a tiny thing...I think she taught me so I would stay out of her hair for a while...poor mom! Mom was a master at creating Halloween costumes out of ordinary things. No plastic masks for us. I remember being a gypsy, a country singer, a 50s style girl and my favorite a flamenco dancer. In the summer we spent a lot of time in the library and the zoo. We spent so much time at the Bklyn. Botanical Gardens we knew the security guards by name. The Brooklyn Museum was our home away from home. So many great memories. With that Happy Mother's day to all of you out there. Spend time with your children and give them happy memories. Teach them to dream and to hope. Teach them to love and laugh. Be generous with hugs and kisses. Make cookies and castles in the sand. They'll remember that forever.
Hugs to all,