
Showing posts from February, 2007


Chocolate!! Soooo soft and light! a close up of the edge...I did a row of double crochet at the end of every knitted row. The next row was skip 2 doubles top of the 3rd double make two double crochet 2 chains and a single crochet repeat this pattern all the way around. I have 4 rows altogether of the pattern stitch. I love how it makes a nice wavy edge without being too too frou frou. Lola likes that it is finished! Now she'll have someone to play with!! Can't wait to finish the weaving...I've a great idea for that one!! Enjoy! Marie

New Born Chocolate

Chocolate is off the hook and getting her edging. Pictures to follow! For your viewing pleasure another shot from Snug Harbor...Just until later when I can get a nice picture of chocolate with edging...can't wait! Enjoy! Marie

Spring...Has anyone seen Spring!!

This is the Neptune Fountain in Snug Harbor. I love fountains and this is a favorite one of mine. I love sitting by it on Sunday afternoons and listen to the concerts they have right next to it. So great to feel the sun on your face and a light cool breeze. If you haven't been to Snug Harbor it is worth a trip. There is a bus that goes there from the S.I. Ferry. The #40 bus goes there. Just ask the driver to let you off at Snug Harbor. This is a great place to sit with your knitting. The Botanica Cafe serves a great lunch. I'll tell you one thing I CAN'T wait for the nice weather!! On the crafty front there is not too much to write about. Am still working hard on Chocolate. Trying hard (really hard) not too start on the 2nd Habu kit....oh the temptation!! KarenRebecca wanted to know about the cube I keep my yarn in. I picked those up in Target. They are real easy to put together. Surprising sturdy. They come six cubes i...


You all were right! The fuzzy funky picture was of the Empire State Building from the West side of the city, around 28th street and 9th Avenue. Look at Chocolate!! I buckled down and worked on this all weekend..well I did stop to take a ride with Mister Hubby out to Ikea to see if we could find something to keep my linen in. No luck! It was very crowded and full of screaming kids. Poor kiddies! I did find this cool basket to keep my current work in process in. I normally use a small shopping bag, but the yarn would tangle. This is much nicer. I also reorganized my craft corner. My books and yarn were getting out of control! Lola's room is finished! A little house I made. It didn't come out too great..the next one will be better. This is the very first embroidery I made and kept for myself when I was about 13. I always gave away everything I made to my aunts and stuff. My mom taught me to sew when I was really little. Whenever someone would give me cast off clothing I would...

Thursday...I think I can, I think I can!

My picture of the day...Crazy man! Can you guess what it is? Yesterday Mister Hubby gave me my favorite Bath and Body Works bath stuff...Thank you Hubby!! He is sooo sweet. Mr. Postman brought me YARN from Knit Picks!! It was rough travelling into work cold and slippery. Coming home was a Nightmare!! Broken down buses, a tractor trailer broken down on the start of the off ramp of the VZ bridge...oh boy. Thank goodness I know Spring is coming. One more day! I think I can make it. Well I am going to change and have a quick dinner knit a little and go to bed! Be careful out there! Hugs! Marie

Happy Valentine's Day!

Oh my goodness was it slippery this a.m. I thought for sure I would end up on my butt! The city is redoing Battery Place so there are iron plates all over the darn place. If you look between the cracks you can see the workmen below street level doing goodness knows what ..It must be freezing down there...anyhow. I am sure it will be beautiful when they finish. Here is my picture for the day My Valentine's gift to you all a picture of my favorite summer place - The gazebo at Snug Harbor I worked a bit more on Chocolate. It is going to be slooooooooow going...I want to start my other kit from Habu so so bad. I will be good. I will stay on track. Keep safe and Warm Hugs! Marie


Here is my picture of the day. The Empire State Building. What is cute is when my son Chef was a little guy he would call it the Vampire state building..we could never understand why he would get his HeMan sword whenever we said we were going any where near this was to fight the vampires!! Too adorable. Here is Chocolate..looking all soft. I have a long way to go. Then a close up of my yucky knitting. My knitting is not that great. I consider myself a crocheter. And here is Phal fully open. Isn't it gorgeous! The Orchid Show should be coming up. I have to find out when it will be and mark it on my calendar. The last show I went to was held in the Financial Center. Such a gorgeous bunch of Orchids! Love, love, love them! I don't have too much luck with them. Enjoy and keep warm! It is starting to snow here in NY city....I feel like a kid...please let us have a snow day!!! Hugs, Marie


Our view from the luxurious 50th floor client suite area...yep this is a great view. We watched the Intrepid when is was moved to New Jersey from NY for repairs, we've watched the blue angels fly overhead...all sorts of vessels. Sunsets that I will never forget. You can see the Verrazano bridge in the back left corner, Staten Island back right and in the foreground governors island. You can see a tiny smidge of Brooklyn off to the left of Governors island. I know most people like the view facing north, but this is my favorite view. Another object I just really like...this wacky sculpture from MOMA. I don't know why I like it so much. You can see my reflection in it. Mister hubby is reflected and teenage rebel daughter too. On the knitting front, I got a couple of bands done on soft, light and it! Not a lot of progress there. It is going to take a while. The wool is handspun so if I pull to hard or quick it snaps the yarn...blah. I must be delicate with...

Photo of the Day - Sunday

One of my favorite flowers - Enjoy! Marie

Day at the zoo

Yesterday afternoon my sister Frankie and her 3 kiddies came to visit. We went to the S.I. Zoo and had a great day! Here is Frankie and little boogers... GASP! SHEEP...WOOL!!! YARN!!! Prospect park zoo will be having their sheep shearing festival...check out the Yarn Tree for more info! Llamas! My honey's reaction to my squeal HEY LLAMAS!!! I can make something from their fiber right...huh...right!!?? Ahem...a completed baby blanket...not bad two blankets in a week! One will be for Mister Hubby's friend and the other will be for my co-worker. close up of the crab stitch edging..I love this edging. It is one of my favorites. Lola laying in a patch of sun...waiting to snag some yarn! Keep warm...I am going to work on Chocolate now...I've been neglecting that project! Hugs, Marie


My sister Artsie and I want to see if we really share a connection. We will be taking pictures everyday of something we see. We will not be checking each other's blog until Friday. For my first pictures I will post the first crocus and baby bird in the burning bush. I've no idea what type of bird this is, but it looked so cute all puffed out. On the crochet front. I finished the first baby blanket and started baby blanket number two. I haven't heard if I got into the weaving class. Fingers crossed I did. Until tomorrow! Keep warm! Marie


Presenting my first on my own weaving project...I love this one. The warp is a flat cotton yarn called gima. I am using two different silks..the slubby one is handspun curicura..the second is a very very fine hemp silk. It is taking a long time to weave, but it is very calming to me. Here is a close and personal picture. I love how the hemp silk looks in the spaces. It is going to move around some. Once I take it off the loom I'll be able to tell how'll be real funny if the thing just falls apart! Here is a super close up, with a penny to compare, those pod looking things are curricula cocoons. I could resist buying a 1/2 ounce of them. They looked so pretty sitting in the basket. I am going to play around with making a free form crocheted wrap incorporating them into the design. That is for later. I am juggling a few too many projects at the moment. I've received the Yarn Tree newsletter letting us all know that there are classes available for Spring 200...

Lola's 1st post

Hullo My humans have fixed my room... No cats are allowed in my room..I do need a bed...Here is my human dad about to hang a picture...I know he is silly but very very lovable! Well I smell chili so I better go put on my pathetic face and get me some! Until next time...wooof! Lola

2 projects sitting pretty

Before I even begin I just want to say one thing...I love Navman! We went to Artisie's yesterday and didn't get lost...we have conquered New Jersey jug handles...WAHOOOO! What a treat not getting lost! Love it yea! Ok with that out of the is chocolate...a close up and on the couch Next is a baby blanket in a soft minty green and beige. I have to finish this one so I can begin a second one. I love baby blankets...I love when the baby gets older and I see them dragging the blanket around. So very cool. I got yarn to make another wrap...the colors are very cool. I show those once I start it. So I spent another $50.00 on yarn. Let me get back to cooking dinner. It is so durn cold here I am making a pot of chili...I am going to really enjoy it! I love it spicy...with just a little rice on the side, lots of cheddar cheese on it. Hugs to all! Marie

Origami finds a new home

All, Origami looks great on Artsie!! Frankie also tried it on and it looks smashing on her I guess I will be making a second origami for her. Here is a nice picture of Frankie and Cosita! This was taken at Artsie's step daughter's, Ronny-bird, bday Tomorrow I hope to get back to some fiber work. Chocolate is looking nice and fluffy. I am itching to start working with the Silk Steel Yarn...I am trying really really hard to finish one project before starting a new one, but let me tell you I am sorely tempted by that yarn. I have a baby blanket to finish...another to start. I need another pair of hands! It was a fun day seeing all the kiddies and I will be posting tons of pictures on Yahoo for Artsie's friends to see. Kids are such characters! I especially enjoy them because I can go home to El Ranchito and enjoy peace and quiet...aaaaaaaaaaaah.....silence is truly golden! Hugs, Marie