
Showing posts from October, 2006

I'm Weaving! I'm Weaving!!

All, Here is my loomy with warp ends in place! This is a time consuming, sore back making, process. That we went through last Wednesday. Thank you Linda and Toni for your patience! We have to measure out 4 yards + an extra foot on our warping board and wind 100 ends for our first project. Talk about repetitive motion babeeeee! After that, ensuring the cross is protective at all times! We thread the loom...only the slots! After that we clean tension, roll, until we get to the end. At the end our first HORRIFYING moment! we cut the ends. We use slip knots to hold in and we thread the holes. Once the holes are threaded we tie weavers knots - one last tension!! We weave our header...and AWAY we go! Here is loomy in the sun...I have no planned patter for this project. I am (in the words of Vincent) letting it flow! LOL! I love how the paper yarn looks! The cotton is holding up very well. I've got 61 inches done so far. I have to do 78. Well Enjoy your day! It looks very breezy out there...


It was coooold here in NY! Whatever happened to warm October days? The colors are beautiful. The light is different this time of year. Everything is bathed in golden warm tones. Old buildings that I walk by every day look different more special. I've got to bring my camera in tomorrow! If it is going to be another gorgeous day I have to get some pictures. We are all ok. My daughter was in a motor bike accident, but she is ok. Nice cut on her knee, road rash, no broken bones. Thank goodness. I thought my heart was going to leap out of my mouth when she called. Words I never want to hear again. My son in Boston should be getting his cast off this week. He broke his wrist practicing martial arts. He heals very quickly so he should be back to cheffing soon. The kid can cook!! yum yum! So kids are healing. Hubby and I are well. We are looking forward to quiet time. (YEA RIGHT!) I, as usual, am looking forward to my weaving class on Wednesday. I start my last project. I am taking picture...

Santa's Workshop

All, I thought I'd post a picture of my Great-Grandma. I love pictures! My mom and aunts have a few pictures of the women in my family. We all have the same look. Amazing! I've spent a busy weekend making Christmas Pressies! Oh what fun!! I can't show anything, but I can say the colors are GORGEOUS Dahlings! I get the warp on the loom on Wednesday for my Weaving project. I can't wait! I will keep the design nice and simple. I am looking forward to going to The Yarn Tree for the dyeing workshop. What fun! Michaels is having a great sale on yarn. I got some more baby blanket yarn. There are a lot of babies due! It's an epidemic!!! I am also working on a felt project that I saw on the Bella Dia website. I don't think it will turn out as nice as her project will take some practice. I will make some of those for the nieces for Christmas. Enjoy your week! Take care of yourselves. Marie


I am really enjoying the weaving class. The group is made up of a lot of very creative people. The instructor, Linda, is great!! I am so happy I signed up for the class. Here is a picture of my practice piece. On Wednesday this piece will be taken off the loom and we'll start the warp for our first real project. This is the loom on the stand. I like this loom it folds up very easily and fits nicely into the carrying case. It is kind of heavy, maybe not heavy awkward to carry on the train I am using very strong colors for my first project. So, so out of character for me. I normally like soft muted colors! This is a good shot of the project yarns. The yarn on the cones is for the warp. It is Cotton Gima. The ameyst and gold colors yarns are linen paper. They start off real crackly like, but soften with use. Sharp eyes will recognize the balls of yarn from the trip to the Union Square farmers market. I didn't know what to make with this yarn..I think I may use this in the pr...