
Showing posts from August, 2006

My Room

Finally I have my own space a little unwanted corner of the house that no one else wants. I never imagined that a dingy corner in the basement would give me so much joy. Strange. I've got all my books and magazines in easy reach on a couple of broken down Ikea shelves that were going in the trash. I found a nice inexpensive table for my sewing machine. Some wire cubes from Target for my yarn and there you have it Heaven on Earth. My Space. Ok I found a centipede in the corner...yuck! Dust bunnies the size of Lola Dog, but the back door opens to my other favorite space...the back garden. This is now my place to escape. The job is hectic and demanding. The family can be interesting to deal with...I can escape. actually doing the happy dance...yipeeee...I'll put a cd player down there and I am set! I can set up my Loom! I got into the weaving class. That starts in three weeks...oh boy oh boy oh boy! Funny what can make a person happy. Marie

It started to be a HORRIBLE day, but finished with a smile!

Yep! I got in a toy I wasn't expecting today! Yippee...I was so happy to see a big brown box on the kitchen table. I love Mr. Postman he is the best! Anyhoooo...the new addition to the family is a lovely Brother sewing machine. It isn't super fancy, it is just right for me! I love to make little girl clothes and now that I have nieces and great nieces in the house I can sew away! While I was typing away something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. It was a butterfly in the bush by the dining room window! Usually all I see are big old crows or maybe a pigeon or two. I saw my mom and sister this weekend and I was gifted with a matrilinial family tree picture montage thingeee. My mom found pictures going back several generations. My sister cleaned them up digitally and used a background of Spain. It is so cool to see the family features carried through the generations.

LIfe in the big city

It's been a busy week and an even busier weekend. We went walking through the Union Square market and found some delish beets and some even nicer yarn. I have a one track mind... aren't those colors gorgeous! I bought some on the sunflower color. Am currently working on a shawl and yes I have pictures. It is taking a long time to crochet this one. I think it is going to turn out very nicely indeed. My DH is currently in the basement getting a corner fixed up for my hobbies! YIPPEEEE....I knew if I kept leaving my junk around it would tick him off.hahhahahhaha. Well here is a parting picture of Broadway and Houston (pronounced Houseton not like the city in Texas!) Keep cool! Marie